Scrapaganza closed it's doors at the end of November. The October Scrappinista Scrapbook Club was the last kit I got to design for. I have to say, that after designing for that club, I didn't have the heart to scrapbook for the rest of 2011. All of us staff at Scrapaganza were quite sad to leave.
But our last kit was made of Jillibean joy! I just love Jillibean, and if I had lots of money, I'd buy every one of their collections! The above layout was inspired by one that I saw in Scrapbook Trends. Unfortunately, I can't find it now to say who it was that inspired me. :( My mother-in-law took my son to Incredible Pizza and did the photo booth there, and gave me a copy of the photo sheet. It had those tiny photos along the end of the sheet of wallet sized ones, and I knew I had to use them somehow!

As a designer, one of my jobs was to show customers how to use the product we sold, and that included "theme stickers". Many people avoid theme stickers when they start to follow scrapping trends, myself included. But when I saw these "Phineas and Ferb" cartoon stickers, I HAD to use them! You see, it's one of my son's (and mine) favorite cartoons, and my son's imagination reminds me of Phineas. So I took the cartoon's theme song and re-wrote it somewhat to fit the photos and used it as journaling with the photos that highlight some of my son's more imaginative summer activities.
My friend Sherry's last visit to crop at the store before returning to her out-of-country home. This is a bittersweet layout, as we'd both been crying just before this photo was taken, and not just because she was leaving. We had both lost a loved one to cancer as well.
This is my "use what is left" layout. :) Not very exciting but I don't like having lots of leftovers from a kit that I have to store. So I try to use it up!
However, I still had scraps left, and lots of them. So I did this little 4 page mini book with some leftover mini book pages from another project. Sorry I don't have interior pics. It was made to mostly demonstrate that you can use up a kit's scraps. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!