Here's another layout from my first Cocoa Daisy kit, from November. I was struggling a little, trying to figure out what to do with that paper I used in the background. It's not really my style, though it's really cute. As I was digging through photos, I stumbled on these that I had printed out on an 8.5x11 sheet of photo paper. I'd originally printed them for a gift project, and these B&W ones I did not use. But I hated to waste them by pitching them. So I was pleased to use them for this layout. :) Not my most favorite work, but it'll do.
Thanks to Charlene's Button Box for a heart button. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!
1 day ago
It did turn out great and sometimes we need to challenge ourselves to do something a little out of the ordinary.... and look how cute this page is! Love it!