Monday, March 20, 2017

Bus and kitty


We have a habit of finding kitties on our back porch. About half of them stay with us. My son would NOT allow us to find a home for this kitten, later named Freya. Cricut kitties.

the page is not really crooked... the photo is. lol

Last Day

This is the last day of school of the first year that I drove school bus. We have a big party on the last day, which is an early out day so no point going home between routes. I took lots of pics in that first year and scrapped them. Now I don't even care. lol Bus is from cricut.

Let it Snow

Also bus pics taken that first year. My kid rode on my bus that year since I homeschool and I felt he was too young to stay at home with dad sleeping upstairs. I had a short layover between schools where I could take a pit stop. Kevin was always happy to get off the bus. lol
Page made from a kit my friend Melissa created.

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