Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kits and Licker

Boys will be Boys

Another title I'm not a fan of but this too was a pre-designed page kit. And the embellishments don't really go with the subject. LOL  oh well. I'd already scrapped all the train pictures I had I think, so I had to make do with what  I had.

Crazy Mary's Licker 'n Beer

No, it's not a misspelling. :)  My stepmom chose the spelling on purpose. Hence the "crazy" part! I helped her make the sign by cutting the letters and shapes on my cricu
t out of vinyl!  She loved it. Her little liquor shop was open until they built a Casey's in her tiny town, and she couldn't compete.


This was a pre-made page that I found at JoAnn's craft store on an end-cap. I didn't buy them at first, but eventually they went on clearance and I'm okay spending less than a $1.40 on a page I just add photos to. lol

I added a little dino skeleton cricut cut to make the page more personalized. Other than that... glue, write, done!

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