1 day ago
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tis the Season to be Jolly
Hello :)
This is the last kit I'm posting for now. I didn't just scrap kits all this time, I alternated with scrapping my own designs, but I just went ahead and posted all the kit layouts first.
This is a Basic Grey kit of the month layout I think. I picked it up at the last Lorado crop in March. The felt ornaments are darling. I scrapped 2013 holiday pics on it. :)
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
One Fine Day
Here is another older Staackits Scraps kit. I think she's out of this kit now. Again, another perfect kit for scrapping older pictures.
These pics are from 1991, after my mom and stepdad moved to florida, they came back up later in the summer along with all my stepdad's kids. We rented a houseboat and took it down the river for a couple days. Fun weekend!
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Sunday, April 27, 2014
Celebrate 1982
Hi hi,
This is another kit I bought, super simple and inexpensive. I bought it specifically for scrapping older, uninspiring pics. So all these pics are (hopefully) from 1982. I discovered that many did not have dates written on the back, so I had to guess. I fear a few may actually be 1983... oh well! lol
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Friday, April 25, 2014
Create Art
I think this kit is a Sweet Tooth kit. I can't remember where I bought it, but I think I got it at Scrapbooking Studio.
The pictures are from Lorado crop, August 2013. such a fun 4 day crop retreat! Hoping I can go again this year. :)
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Wonderful Winter
Hi all, :)
Here's another Staackits Scraps kit, I picked it up at the Scrapbooking Studio. I have to admit that after the winter we just had, I wouldn't call any winter, wonderful. LOL
Anyway, these are winter pics from a couple years ago. :)
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Monday, April 21, 2014
Enjoy Family
Hello hello!
I won this kit as a door prize at a crop, and it's from Staackits Scraps. :)
I like general (and easy) kits like this for doing older pictures, where I only have 1 or maybe 2 pics, and they are uninspiring for making a layout. Here I pretty much scrapped all the pictures I had left from 1989! Perfect kit for that.
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Sunday, April 20, 2014
Little Animal... take TWO
So yeah. I bought the first Little Animal kit from Staackits Scraps and then a few weeks later, I bought another, apparently having forgotten that I'd already bought it. LOL Obviously I liked this kit! That's ok, we visit the zoo a lot.
So, when I realized this had happened, I chose pictures from a different zoo, at a very different time (so it would be in the books further away from the other one), and then I changed up the design just a little bit. Which was fine since I had more pictures I wanted to put on it and the big giraffe sticker that was intended for the page would have prevented me putting all the pics on it that I wanted.
Anyway, I need to keep better track of my kit buying! lol
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Saturday, April 19, 2014
Little Animal
Here's another Staackits Scraps kit. It's an easy one, just papers and stickers. What caught my eye was the 9 picture grid on the right. I always have so many pictures when we go to the zoo, even though they are often pictures of the same thing. I do try to get pictures of different things. The special pics in this visit are the elephants, who have been moved to another state now. And the baby giraffe. We've had several baby giraffes in the last few years, but this one is probably only a week old at the time of this visit. He or she was still staying in the shelter, and looked a little lonely! Poor baby.
Anyway, super cute kit, but just you wait... lol
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Thursday, April 17, 2014
Here is another Staackits Scraps kit. This one is exclusive to Scrapbooking Studio in Moline. I thought it was really pretty, and the crop following the one that I put this together at, I put pictures on it of me and cropping buddies at a crop. :)
I didn't realize till I was putting this together that she had included washi tape, something I have refused to buy (I have enough scrapping supplies!). She put the tape on wax paper so I could peel it off and stick it on the page, a great idea!
Another thing I like about her kits is that there has never been anything missing. I know from making kits myself it's not easy making sure of this, and it's something I work really hard to avoid. She does too, it seems! :)
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Perfect Autumn Day
I loved this kit as soon as I saw it. I made it but realized that I didn't have any pictures for it, lol. So this coming fall I will have to do a photo shoot just for it. :)
This kit is from Staackits Scraps. I like her style of some of her kits, this one was easy, since it's mostly just placing stickers.
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Sunday, April 13, 2014
Merry Go Round
Hi all!
Here is another kit from my friend Irene of Little Masterpieces Kits, the last of it's kind. This one is unusual in that it does not have any flaps or fold outs for extra photos! So I had to make one myself lol, which is why my finger is in this picture, holding the accordion fold-out of extra pics.
These pictures are from our county fair, 2012. It was the first year that Kevin joined me on many non-kiddie rides! This was a special day for me, as I love rides, and my hubby does not. I've been hoping and hoping my son would enjoy rides as well, and while he's not ready for the really scary ones, that's totally fine as I don't need to ride those that much, I just wanted something more than the carousel or kiddie cars that I can't fit in! lol This was a fun day.
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Friday, April 11, 2014
So, I mentioned a few posts ago that after I finished working on wedding layouts that I was kind of burned out on thinking up inspiring page designs. I had the strong urge to just work on kits for a bit, so I bought several and they will my next several posts. This one was designed by my friend Irene of Little Masterpieces kits, and it was the last one and she'd put the last ones of several kits on sale. As usual, she had flappies for adding extra pictures. :)
These pics are Kevin's halloween from 2013. It was rainy and chilly, so instead of walking a neighborhood, we hit 3 of the HyVee stores. They had treats and games and activities, and Kevin was perfectly happy. We also swung by his great-grandma's, and a few houses around her (as the rain paused for a bit), and then last we stopped at grandma's.
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014
So my friend Irene holds a big crop once a year. She goes ALL OUT to make it super fun, with a theme, games and prizes. This years theme was Monopoly or, Scrapopoly. She had huge game props, dice taller than me, a Jail prop, game piece props. Table centerpieces were dice and a top hat. She had a caterer that made AWESOME food in spite of the fact that the site's kitchen was under renovation and not available. She also had someone design the kit that was part of our goodie bag. So I made the kit at that crop and then printed the pictures from the crop as soon as I could to put them on the layout at the next crop. :)
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Monday, April 7, 2014
A Sparkling 4th
Hey all!
So, after I decided to stop working on wedding layouts, I found myself feeling somewhat burned out (just on the thinking part of scrapping, not on the doing part). So, I dug through my stash, but I didn't actually have very many kits. I really wanted to work a little mindlessly, just on kits. I did find this kit, one of the very first ones I ever purchased from my friend Irene of Little Masterpieces Kits. I had started making it but had stopped working on it since I didn't have pictures to fill it. You see, Irene specializes in kits with flaps and booklets that allow for LOTS of pictures. This layout opens by lifting the 6x12 sections where "sparkling" and "4th" are, to reveal enough space for another 12 or more pictures! I didn't have any July 4th pictures that could fill this layout. I had printed some pics from 2013 but went back and printed some more so I could finish this layout. So that meant that some of the pictures on it were less than the best prints but that's ok! It turned out that this layout was perfect. I put all of Kevin's "I'm super cool with my big sparklers" pictures on the front, then inside I put the rest of the pictures of Kevin and my friend Katie's daughters, as well as some fireworks pics. I left a couple photo mats open for journaling.
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Saturday, April 5, 2014
Gifts - wedding layouts
The last wedding layout that I'll be posting for a while!
These pictures were taken after the honeymoon when we'd gotten home and I set the gifts up on the table to take pictures.
I had been living on my own for years, so when hubby and I moved in together, we really had everything we needed. So in my wedding invites, I included a statement saying that we'd been on our own for a while and needed nothing for our home, so gifts were not necessary. But if people were inclined to give, we were saving up to buy a house. Hubby's gift to me was a lovely "treasure" chest that I asked for, and we used that as our card box at the wedding. A lot of people gave us cards with money to go toward our house savings. But we received a lot of lovely unique gifts as well. Many friends knew of my love for all things Egyptian, and a few friends got together and bought me the large Egyptian "coffin" which is actually a CD storage unit. I love that thing!!! Another friend gave me a Bastet vase (the blue thing in the pictures).
I had bought some Egypt themed stamps so I used those to stamp some embellishments, and put the title on a tag, which seemed appropriate for the layout. The background die cut is from my cricut.
Oh, and we did buy our house the following May! :)
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Friday, April 4, 2014
Henna - wedding layouts
I think I mentioned before that my "bachelorette party" was actually a henna party, where the ladies all applied henna to my arms, hands, feet and legs, and to each other (and to my moms). This was a super duper fun time! I still have to scrap the pictures of that party itself.
These pictures are while hubby and I are on honeymoon, the day after the wedding. This henna was pretty for about a week, then as my skin sloughed away, the henna began to fade. Here are some pictures for a close-up view:

To the left is one of my hands at the party, when the henna was being applied.
To the right here is one of my hands the day of the wedding, with the henna paste scraped off, so you can see the color vividly.
For those that might not know, Henna on hands, arms, legs and feet is a wedding tradition in hundreds of countries, from India in the north and spreading through out the middle east and northern africa. Some traditions have the henna being applied to the bride every day for 3 days, to get it as dark as possible. And as long as the dye is visible on her skin, she is not allowed to do any work!!! (their version of the honeymoon perhaps?). I wish I could have done that, I'd have made sure my henna stuck around for at least a month! lol as it was, I had to go back to work a few days after the wedding. lol
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Thursday, April 3, 2014
Altar - wedding layouts
The altar at our wedding. I have had those Prima butterflies for AGES, finally used them. lol
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Family - wedding layouts
I kept this pro-pictures layout of my hubby with his mom and grandma simpler and tried to give it a more masculine feel. The black flower border strip is actually a faux leather flower trim I found at the fabric store. I loved it because the men in the wedding party all wore leather pants, and the faux-leather flowers seemed to "go" with the theme, though you can't see the men's pants most of the time. lol
Anyway, I liked the simplicity just as much as I like my more embellished pages.
I have a few more wedding pages to post but this one was the last I made. I'm pretty much out of red printed papers and that appears to not be the color of the season right now, so I haven't been able to find any that I like at the scrapbook store. I'm also kind of tired of scrapping the wedding. *gasp!* lol
It might be a while till I can get the rest of the pro photos scrapped. LOL
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Mom and Me - wedding layouts
I have 5x7s of the professional photos. Some will be scrapbooked, and I'm not completely done scrapping them, but I'm nearly out of papers appropriate for my wedding color scheme!
It's hard to see but my medieval turkish inspired wedding gown has a pattern of peacock feathers in gold and silver, so I used my cricut to cut a peacock feather, then stickled it with gold and silver. The flowers that are on it are a from a flower sprig swap I participated it where we made flowers and wired them into a sprig with beads. I was thrilled to get one back that was perfect for my wedding album.
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